Yayasan Ginantri is Life’s Labor of Love for Ni Nyoman Mariati.  Born in the village of Petak, Bali it has been her ambition to help other village children escape the cycle of poverty as she has done.  At www.Ginantri.org you can visit the school and learn all about the children who attend.  Some of the children are quite young and it is because of Nyoman and her small group of dedicated volunteers, who selflessly give of themselves to benefit the children, that they will have a future.  In the years since the Ginantri Foundation came into being some of the older children have already gone on to live bountiful lives. There remains much to be done.  These pictures demonstrate how much infrastructure is left to build in order to provide sleeping quarters, restrooms, computer classroom, and other facilities for the children. As you can see from the pictures on the website at www.Ginantri.org there is much Unfinished Business.  Nyoman and her volunteers can not do it alone.  They need YOUR help as it is through your onetime donation, or monthly donation commitment to sponsor a deserving child, that this noble effort continues. Please visit Yayasan Ginantri on Facebook for further updates on our progress.